We have developed a portfolio of services based on our experience and knowledge in business administration and International business development. Our services have been designed in such a way to efficiently and professionally contribute to our client’s future growth. Throughout exhaustive and analytical conversations with the senior management, we construe the internal structure, the management methods, the department’s structure and operations procedures that are important to the company’s performance in achieving the anticipated sales. We also thoroughly study the current product portfolio from the perspective of technical specifications, documentation, production process, costs, pricing and logistics. The main objective is to identify the competitive advantages the organisation can offer and evaluate the level of its adaptability into the targeted markets. Vision and the targets set by the management need to be fully consistent and aligned with the Company strategy; to this regard, we assist and our Client to make sure that company structure, processes and employee culture are all coherent and adherent to the business scope and target. Action plan to fill in the potential gap is then devised and implemented.
The international marketing can foster great opportunities for growth;however, different cultures, language barriers, communication channels, local competition, buyers the opportunity, education, technological advantages, countries economy stability, political issues just to name the most important, could represent the adverse side of this, To avert this potential risk, we lay an exhaustive map of elements and factors which could imperil or compromise the attainment of business results, identify the best options and actions to avoid or overcome them and make sure that our Clients strategy is fully consistent and coherent to the specific situation or challenge being faced.
Market Intelligence study: Marketing intelligence determines the intelligence needed, collects it by searching environment and delivers it to marketing managers behaviour accurate and confident decision-making in determining market opportunity, market penetration strategy, and market development metrics. Marketing intelligence is necessary when entering a foreign market. Market intelligence provides a high-level view by analyzing many different business areas including competitors, products, market dynamics, and customer insights.
Marketing research: Market research is the process of examining an industry’s buyers, the product these buyers want, and where they’re currently getting it. Is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of the products from the producer to the final buyers. The marketing research aims to provide information about suppliers and buyers
Business plan and feasibility study: A plan of actions to promote the products and services such as
a) A feasibility study includes an estimate of the level of expertise required for entering into new markets and who can provide it, quantitative and qualitative assessments of other essential resources, identification of critical points, a general timetable, and a general cost estimate along with anticipating turnover and profits.
b) Brochures samples video photos and other marketing materials
c) Marketing campaigns and advertisements in local media
d) Social networks promotion
e) Exhibitions
f) Develop a network channel with local Agents/Distributors
As a final step, we setup up a regular